The Toltec System of Knowledge

It is recommended that before embarking on this introduction to The Toltec System of Knowledge, that if you have not done so already, you read first The Foundation for Toltec Research, which will give an overall introduction as to my intent and purpose for expanding my electricity and energy research on this website to encompass a more multidisciplinary approach.

As explained in the introduction to the foundation for Toltec research, I am myself a personal apprentice of the Toltec system of knowledge, and was trained directly first-hand over a period of 12 years by Théun Mares, a fully trained Toltec, and whose purpose included research, teaching, and recording for posterity the essence of the Toltec Teachings as humanities heritage. The Toltec Teachings as expressed by Théun Mares is presented in a comprehensive volume of books as presented in the references[1-7], and through an online teaching facility[8], and audio-visual experience[9]. Before his death he also engaged in training personal apprentices, teaching through group retreats, as well as his own research endeavours to contribute to the growth of the ever evolving system of Toltec knowledge. The genuine Toltec Teachings as expressed by Théun Mares can be identified from the unique logo shown in figure 1 below. From the online experience of The Toltec Legacy[8,9]“This logo signifies that this work concerns the Toltec Path of Freedom as expressed by Théun Mares, and serves to differentiate these teachings from meso-American traditions of Toltequity, Nagualism, and Shamanism”.

If you do a search online for the Toltecs you will more than likely find articles discussing a race of people that existed in modern Mexico through the classic and post-classic periods of meso-American chronology, which spans between ~ 600-1200 A.D. Whether any of this reported modern history is associated with the original Toltecs and the Toltec system of Knowledge that I am introducing on this page I do not know, and I am not a historian or preoccupied with what is currently thought to be our history or heritage based on the modern view of the world. What I am introducing here is a system of knowledge that has been evolved through experiential learning, training, and passed down by a strictly oral tradition, by a group of individuals known as the Toltecs, over aeons and aeons of time, and well before the beginning of the common historical era, or common era, which only goes back to about 5000 B.C. The word “Toltec” from the tradition that I am referring to, simply means a man or woman of knowledge, and is independent of race, gender, religion, country, language, or any other differentiating factors within humanity. And by the word “Aeon”, I mean a full turn of what is referred to as the Great Wheel of Evolution, or in Astrological terms one complete processional rotation, which is in principle ~ 25,800 years, or on average 2,150 years for each of the 12 astrological ages, (we are currently in the age of Aquarius, or the Aquarian age).

So when the Toltecs have been evolving this system of knowledge over aeons and aeons of time we can get a sense of this truly gargantuan journey of learning and acquisition of experiential knowledge, over what equates to 100,000’s of years. Since the Toltec teachings were always handed down through a strictly oral tradition, and through training of those that would succeed them by those that went before, it is clear why the modern world has no record or understanding of either the Toltecs of antiquity, or the system of knowledge that they diligently assembled across the ages. Now you may well say, how do we know this is the case ? how can it be verified that any of this is accurate, or even existed at all ? The answer to these types of questions can only be found through exploring the Toltec system of knowledge for oneself. When any aspect of the Toltec knowledge “rings true” to you, then you can be sure that a feeling has been triggered within you. This feeling is in and of itself knowledge, commonly referred to as intuition, and you immediately get a sense for the truth or meaning of something in a way that is relevant to you, and within your own journey of learning. Feelings then, (different from emotions), are our guide to exploring our own knowledge, acquiring new knowledge, and progressively evolving our awareness from one moment to the next, both of ourself, and our relationship to the world around us.

If you study the Toltec teachings as expressed by Théun Mares through the references provided, you will quickly get a sense that Théun’s own predilection for the expression of the Toltec system of knowledge is through personal and individual experiential learning, acquired throughout one’s journey in life, and not only in this life, but over many lives as the soul evolves in awareness across the ages. The expression of the teachings by Théun is through a mystical approach, and incorporates expression, language, and forms from antiquity, including the practical path in the acquisition of power and knowledge, known as the warrior’s path, or living the life of a warrior. Particularly Théun’s predilection is for the Path of Freedom which is a path of learning, knowledge, and hence power, where the practitioner on the path is guided naturally by their own inner intuition or feelings, and through the journey of the challenges that they call forth throughout their life. This particular path and approach, if followed and grown over many lifetimes, leads eventually to what the Toltecs refer to as true freedom, a freedom from the limitations of any particular perception or view of the world, and hence what the Toltecs refer to as “totality of the self”, or in other words we have, as an individual of the one life, acquired all knowledge and perceptions possible at our level of existence, which leads on to what the Toltecs call the definitive journey!

It is also important at this stage to make clear that I am not a teacher, master, or seer of any esoteric, spiritual, religious, or mystical discipline, and my purpose does not constitute teaching others, neither am I qualified to teach, how to acquire knowledge through the Toltec approach, or any other spiritual or personal discipline. Furthermore I do not claim to be a Toltec myself, and I cannot represent or speak on behalf of the Toltecs. I am an active apprentice to the Toltec system of knowledge, and I am using my current awareness, training, and knowledge of myself and life around me in order to progress a multidisciplinary approach to life, and make my contribution to the foundation for Toltec research. My understanding and expression of the Toltec system of knowledge is of course limited to my own current personal level of awareness, experience, and training, and hence I can only represent the meaning that I have currently been able to make and verify for myself.

My purpose for introducing my current understanding and knowledge of aspects of the Toltec system of knowledge on my website, is in order to provide the interested reader or researcher a framework for understanding the multidisciplinary interpretations and meaning that I am making for the results of my experimental research into electricity and energy. So therefore I am presenting my understanding of the Toltec system of knowledge as a framework for the right-side awareness, or said another way, as a proposition or information for the mind to consider in its journey to understand my research into electricity from a different viewpoint. Now as I develop this framework, much, some, or only a little may ring-true to the reader both in my expression of that aspect of the system of knowledge, or through the correspondences that I make between the system of knowledge and the meaning of my experimental results. It is these intuitive moments or feelings that guide towards the left-side awareness, which is the actual knowledge, experience, or understanding that we are looking to develop. Worked with carefully and diligently the intuition around any particular aspect of the framework will grow, and lead the interested reader into their own understanding of that which is being conveyed through the words. It is this shared understanding of the meaning that I make to the results of my experiments that I am seeking to express through this section of the website, and that which constitutes the foundation for my research, based on the Toltec system of knowledge.

With this all said I can now introduce how I intend to proceed with sharing my understanding of what I have learned from the Toltec system of knowledge, and how I intend to apply this knowledge to the electricity and energy research presented on this website. On the left side of this page, or from the menu “burger” if using a mobile device, I have presented a list of pages under the category The Toltec System of Knowledge, the first being The Evolution of Awareness. This list of pages I intend to write progressively over time, and each time I add a page it will turn white in the menu, where previously it was grey and cannot be clicked on as a link. The individual pages are listed in the menu based on my best intuition as to the order of the content that will be most useful to the reader in order to build up their understanding of the Toltec system of knowledge, as applied to understanding the conjectures and interpretations I am making for my results. The colour difference of the links, white for active, grey for not yet active, will indicate which pages currently have content, as I cannot be sure at the outset of this endeavour what order I will write the pages. The content of the pages themselves represent my current understanding and knowledge of that area within the Toltec system of knowledge. And the list is by no means the exhaustive list of knowledge available, but represents those that I feel are most relevant to the intended interpretation of my research, and also those that I feel I can adequately express within the current scope of the knowledge and understanding available to me.

For any of the content that I share, I would also thoroughly recommend cross-referencing with the work of Théun Mares in order to put what I have shared into perspective directly from the teachings of a fully trained Toltec. The interested reader will also find that the expression and emphasis of my work and what I share will be different from Théun, as I am seeking to convey meaning and understanding for my practical research into science in a multidisciplinary way, rather than on teaching the reader how to grow one’s awareness, knowledge, and power through application of the Toltec Teachings at a personal level, which is Théun’s unique expression and purpose. To this effect the astute reader will realise that I am referring to the “Toltec system of knowledge” that I am using to help me explain, understand, and make meaning of my research work, whereas the work of Théun Mares comes directly from a Toltec as the “Toltec Teachings” or “Toltec Legacy”. My approach and purpose is based on application of my current understanding of the Toltec system of knowledge to my research, and in order to contribute to the foundation. Whereas Théun’s work is a vastly comprehensive expression of the pure Toltec Teachings and system of Knowledge, and through its application on the warrior’s path, how to live and acquire this knowledge in one’s own life.

To apply the Toltec system of knowledge to any endeavour either within the foundation work or otherwise, requires a good working knowledge of both the law of light and reflection, and the law of the correspondence. These laws, amongst others, will be covered in more detail in the corresponding page in the menu, but for now a short introduction will assist in clarifying how I intend to apply the Toltec system of knowledge. As previously discussed, since all knowledge and experience is based on feelings, or the intuitive, or left side awareness, then ultimately I need feeling to guide the interpretation, conjectures, and ultimately the understanding of my experimental results. In order to get a feeling for what is transpiring in the experiment, I must first and foremost include myself within the experiment, in other words, I must make myself a part of the system or experiment that I am investigating. By making myself a part of the experiment I am engaging the law of light and reflection, which shows me that what I perceive externally must in someway be a reflection of myself internally. For now I am not going to explain why this should be the case, as this will become clear when I discuss the act of perception. By acknowledging, and working with the reflection of my experiment and its results, I can gain an intuitive grasp of how it is working and what principles and mechanisms may be at work.

As a result of starting to grasp at an intuitive level some of the underlying principles of my experiment, I can then engage another law known to Toltecs, the law of correspondence, which simply stated shows that anything that I can perceive in one place, can be found in any other by correspondence. There is after all only the one life, and the laws, principles, processes, and mechanisms within the one life, the wheelwork of nature, can through correspondence be identified in any context or situation which you choose to study. So for example, to understand how a good relationship can be built between two people, one where you feel “in tune”, “on the same wavelength”, or “on the same page” with the other person, is also through correspondence to understand how two coils in resonance with each other are in tune, how the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction relate to one another across and around the two coils, and also how power can be transferred between them, and through what transmission modes (TEM, LMD etc.). So the law of correspondence, through that intuitive feeling and grasp for the external system reflected to our internal system and vice-versa, can be used to explore different contexts and scenarios, applying the same principles and processes in seemingly completely different systems, here the example was a co-operative human relationship, and the shared vibration and resonance of two Tesla coils in a TMT transmission system.

So these two laws combined, and with many other aspects of the Toltec system of knowledge yet to be shared, is how I intend to proceed in interpreting my research experiments and results in a multidisciplinary fashion. By combining my scientific and engineering approach to electricity and energy research, with the understanding of science in the Toltec system of knowledge, I will be able to contribute to building the bridge towards a multidisciplinary approach, and hence a step towards a more inclusive and life-supportive understanding of life and the wheelwork of nature.  As I have often said now, I do not expect this approach to be too everyone’s liking, and some will certainly find it unusual and maybe rather far-fetched. Whilst it may seem like this at the face value, it only needs even a little consideration and speculation within one’s own life to start to see the reflections and correspondences with the world around. With considered application and experience using the Toltec system of knowledge it is very possible to start seeing the world, and indeed the one life, in a much more inclusive, open-minded, and intuitive fashion, and as perception broadens, knowledge grows, and ultimately our awareness of ourself and life also grows.

I want to share my own journey and approach to science, engineering, and computing, which is the great passion of my life, and what the Toltecs’ call a path with a heart. It is through the correspondences between my own personal journey in life, that arise through shared feelings and understandings, and the Toltec system of knowledge, that reveal new conjectures and interpretations of my experimental research. This approach allows me to express the principles and concepts conveyed through the left-side awareness from the Toltec system of knowledge, and to develop an underlying fabric of principles that will far more closely correspond to the actual Wheelwork of Nature than any scientific theory based on logical and reasoned deduction from experiment. With this in mind, below is a short audio-visual video of the content that I wrote on Science, and my journey in science, for The Five Pillars of Wisdom section in the original Toltec Legacy[8] online experience, now preserved as the Toltec Legacy audio-visual experience[9].

From everything shared thus far on this page It may appear to the reader that I am directly implying an approach to science based on feeling or intuition alone, or what is currently thought to be the subjective, something that modern science has been careful to distance itself from since the split between science and religion in our modern history. Modern science has established itself independent of the subjective, in a so called objective reality based on verification, reproducibility, and well defined postulation, measurement, and conclusions centred on sound scientific method. It is the feeling aspect or intuition in science that has become forgotten in our modern age, as if you look carefully at the history of science, it becomes so very clear that most of the impetus for the development of science came from those that followed their feelings or intuition on the path of discovery of the natural world, or natural sciences if you prefer.

Without this intuitive approach to the discovery of science, or more correctly the Quest for Knowledge, our exploration of nature’s wheelwork and of the great mystery is reduced to a cold, dry, and rationalised dissection and analysis of the form. So in its final simplicity the multidisciplinary approach that I have adopted for my research, is a combination of both my feeling and intuitive side, or left-sided awareness, combined with my formal approach to good scientific method and principle, or right-sided awareness, and guided by my knowledge and understanding of the Toltec system of knowledge. With these two sides of my awareness fully engaged in my research work, then my electricity and energy research can become fully animated and alive, and becomes rightfully part of the quest for knowledge, as expressed by the five pillars of wisdom within the Toltec system of knowledge.

Click on the following link to continue to The Evolution of Awareness.

1. Mares, T., The Toltec Teachings – Volume I, Renascent Legacy Press, Western Cape, South Africa, 2005.

Previously: Mares, T., Return of the Warriors – The Toltec Teachings Volume I, Lionheart Publishing, Cape Town, South Africa, 1995.

2. Mares, T., The Toltec Teachings – Volume II, Renascent Legacy Press, Western Cape, South Africa, 2005.

Previously: Mares, T., Cry of the Eagle – The Toltec Teachings Volume II, Lionheart Publishing, Cape Town, South Africa, 1997.

3. Mares, T., The Toltec Teachings – Volume III, Renascent Legacy Press, Western Cape, South Africa, 2005.

Previously: Mares, T., The Quest for Maleness, Lionheart Publishing, Cape Town, South Africa, 1999.

Previously: Mares, T., Unveil the Mysteries of The Female, Lionheart Publishing, Cape Town, South Africa, 1999.

Previously: Mares, T., This Darned Elusive Happiness, Lionheart Publishing, Cape Town, South Africa, 2001.

4. Mares, T., The Toltec Teachings – Volume IV, Renascent Legacy Press, Western Cape, South Africa, 2005.

Previously: Mares, T., The Mists of Dragon Lore, Lionheart Publishing, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998.

5. Mares, T., The Toltec Teachings – Volume V, Renascent Legacy Press, Western Cape, South Africa, 2005.

Previously: Mares, T., Shadows of Wolf Fire, Lionheart Publishing, Cape Town, South Africa, 2002.

6. Mares, T., The Toltec Teachings – Volume VI – The Book of Aphorisms, Renascent Legacy Press, Western Cape, South Africa, 2006.

7. Mares, T., The Toltec Teachings – Volume VII – Numerology Revealed, Renascent Legacy Press, Western Cape, South Africa, 2009.

8. Mares, T., Toltec Legacy Online Teaching Facility, Toltec Legacy, 2009.

9. Mares, T., Toltec Legacy Online Audio-Visual Experience, Toltec Legacy AV, 2021.